Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

Work experience pays off

I had to rely on the brothership today, rescuing my bike. I had a puncture and needed the inner tube repaired or changed and though I roughly know what I was doing (after a few months in a hellish job aged 17 with a large car&bike stuff chain store...) Paul had done work experience as a bike mechanic (or whatever the right name is), in a proper bike repair place. Also it takes a fair bit of strength to get the tyre off- I maintain I'm the stronger sibling but hw was stronger for this purpose.

Very grateful for my shed given the rain outside as I observed (sort of helping) him work. He's taken the old tube home and can't find a puncture but I know there's one there.

I had the dentist first thing and though I moan about dentists and am scared one will kill me she is lovely and so good at what she does. My crooked front teeth are (almost) straight again and two fillings done without drama. I hope she never leaves. I went for the train to work after and missed it by a hair, it pulled away as I got there. I waited on the next one half an hour and then it was announced as cancelled- I decided fate wanted me to work at home! I miss the company and banter if I'm not in the office though.

I forgot I also jumped in to the big chain store where things are all a pound, and bought "loom bands". All the cool kids have them. I needed to try. I'm (meant to be) resting a bit so that should keep me busy - my hands need kept busy if I'm to not end up running around like a confused ant.

Leo ate papaya today. He's never really eaten veg or fruit so I was surprised he took it. :-)

I need weekend entertainment. I've got a to do list a mile long but I feel like forgetting about it for a few hours and having fun.

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