
By katieyarbro

Mala Market

Day 2:
After a morning of sanding a considerable amount of wood, Kate rewarded us with a bit of tourism to the local town, Mala. Getting to Mala included running across the Pan American Highway, flagging down a bus big enough to fit all 10 of us and a 15 minute ride with Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus playing in the background.
The town itself is relatively small, but every turn we took revealed a new row of stores selling an assortment of items. We finally found the bank so that we could exchange currency. Finishing quickly, I waited outside for the others, watching the motorized tricycle taxis speed down gravel roads. Kate comes out moments later asking if we felt the earthquake. Coincidentally, earthquakes were the topic for breakfast. As it turns out, this one rated a 5 on the Richter Scale.
We roamed the town a little longer to find the fresh food market. As we waited on Kate to say hello to a friend, my eyes roamed our surroundings and stumbled upon a group of children fascinated with a marble. I was taken back by the happiness this simple toy brought these children and wondered what in my life gave me childish joy like so.

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