Son and granddaughter.

On the occasion of celebrating my 60th birthday - we couldn't do it on the day its self as we were away in Amsterdam so Susan and Tina arranged for a meal out when we got back - and this was the result - a very enjoyable evening out with Matt and family and Susan and Doreen. They gave me an Amazing Adventures experience as a present - for a vineyard visit and wine tasting for 2 - which will be very interesting to do.

The best part of the day was spent geting to and from London for a 2 hour meeting up in Kings Cross. Set out nice and early to catch the train from Mottingham. More traffic than I remembered on 11 years of doing this journey every day meant I missed the train I wanted to catch, but no matter I caught the next and still arrived in time. The journey back was much easier giving time to relax in the garden before going out for the meal.

After we got home from the restaurant we had time to walk off the meal by strolling to the allotment to water the courgettes and squashes.

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