
By katieyarbro

Bitter Sweet Good Bye

Day 9:
We left early morning, waking several of the boys. Two of which were Michael and Alexander, the boys I became the closest with. They called me to them and Alexander offered me a bracelet he made especially for me and said "I will miss you" in broken but understandable English. He leaned in for one last hug and a peck on the cheek. The tears came again as we left for our next destination.
We traveled an hour or so to a bus station where we immediately boarded another bus for 5 hours to Lima. That 5 hours seemed like forever. All I could think about was the relationship I formed with Alexander-how genuine it seemed. During the ride I came to the realization that I was immediately being replaced by another group of missionaries from Scotland. This should bring happiness to me, but instead I found myself jealous and hurt. Silent tears came pouring and the Adversary got the best of me-I spent those 5 hours dwelling on whether or not I made a difference.
That is something I wrestle with on a daily basis. I may be going at it with my whole heart, but is it doing anything? As I mentioned before, Hebrews 5:10 was revealed to me about a year ago and it reads "For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do." I must constantly remind myself that God sees my efforts and knows where my heart lies.
I must trust that I planted a seed in their hearts and my responsibility is now to pray for them and let God lead their lives. It is not my place to change their hearts, but to live my life imitating Christ so that others see Him through me.

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