
By katieyarbro

Cusco-Yes, like Emperor's New Groove

Day 10:
A morning full of travel via bus ride and airplane led to a cultured afternoon in Cusco.
To our surprise, there was some sort of festival going on in which the junior high aged boys and girls dressed in layers and layers of clothed culture and performed dances for the public. We ate lunch at a fancy little restaurant that over looked the town square where this all took place.
After eating alpaca and apple pie for lunch, we ventured down stairs into the town on a mission to find llama sweaters. We quickly learned how to not bargain, having overpaid for the sweaters out of impatience.
We also toured the Roman Catholic church that was built on top of Ica temple ruins. Of course, being a tourist, I didn't really care for the minor details, just enough to retell the story, but our guide insisted otherwise. Anyways, the church was beautiful. We were able to walk through the cathedral, which was very image oriented (and not weird at all).
All of that travel and walking led to a good night's rest in preparation for the next day...

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