
By katieyarbro

Unlike Any Other

Day 12:
Our last day in Peru (besides travel) was spent in the Casa Girasoles of Urubama. This home was different-consisting of about 30 boys, it was smaller. Also, this home was actually a home. All 30 boys and the host family living under one roof because their previous home was swept away in a flood.
I have to admit it was awkward when we first arrived because these boys are older, ranging from 6-17+. I befriended the youngest, Marcello who dressed in full armor to ride his bike. Things got easier after lunch (chicken, rice and potatoes) because we began our lesson on "amistad" (taught several times due to excess supplies). It surprised me how much all of the boys at both homes, no matter the age, loved making bracelets. This home differed from the last because the house father, Hector expanded on our lesson, drawing deeper than we had rights to. Hector told his boys that friendship is loving one another as a brother, regardless of the situation and having his best interest at heart.
After the lesson, we all crowded around the TV to watch the World Cup game of Holland versus Spain (Holland is actually pretty good, and ended up winning) and I continued my game of hide-and-go-seek with Marcello.
Guinea pig was served whole for dinner. Can you say yum? My picture says otherwise. I sat next to Marcello's brother Adam, who to my surprise was so smart and kind. He knew a little English, but not enough for me to understand, so our conversation was translated by Kate. Although Marcello and Adam are Hector's legitimate children, they were not treated any different than the other boys. They share their father with 28 other boys willingly and lovingly.
Adam, at 9 years old, prayed over us as we left. Although it was in Spanish, he spoke genuinely and sweetly to us, knowing that he would soon see us in Heaven.

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