It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Sun Chasing at 5am.....


Boy did I drive around this morning. I had a place in mind to get a crackin sunrise....but little did I know the darn tree I wanted wasn't facing the right way for the sunrise!! Doh!!!!

Plus I took the wrong road to where I thought it was lol ;-))

Found it then realised the sun wasn't going to be rising the right way plus the gate I had to go through had a bright yellow notice saying "Bull In Field" ...Ok perhaps not. I didn't want to p*** him off this morning.
Back to the drawing board......

Drove round the local country roads stopping at any gap for a farmers gate entrance and happened upon this gorgeous field of Barley.

To make things really magical as I walked onto the field a Bambi sprung up and bounced away across this enormous field ....Boy can they Spring!
I did get a blurred shot of it but it was a long way off and it was amazing it knew I was there cause I was a way away from it.
More pics back on the road again and lovely bunnies hopping about and a fox that scurried away.
On the way home though I saw a baby Fox dead at the side of the road. I hate that especially a baby ;-(

Got some great shots (I think ) so I came home happy .


Draco The Sun Chasing Dragon xx

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