at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

learning geometric shapes with Grandma T.

We had the worst night ever with Ivy. Literally worse than ones when she was a newborn because at least then we had a cot to put her in and she couldn't sit up to howl. Even when she was asleep she was fidgety and unhappy. Euan spent some of the night sleeping in a recliner with her strapped to his front and my arms are black and blue from her pincing. Needless to say, first thing in the morning we went to argos to get a travel cot she can't escape from that we'll be taking to Italy tonight and then leaving at Grandma and Grampa's house.

Did some last minute shopping before we go away (so need a holiday after last night). In the afternoon Ivy played in the sandpit at a park beside her grandparents house and met up with Sammy who was my mentor when I was just a baby student teacher and her son Mark who is younger (but bigger) than Ivy.

Ivy produced a nappy so foul that she had to be put in the shower with me to clean her up. Recycled air on the aeroplane will be a joy for everyone if she repeats the stunt.

On that note- I'll probably be backdating blips when I get back from Italy, so noone worrry about our absence from your thumbnail page- we're just having to much fun for a nightly post. ;)

Funny story from today- so it's not just me moaning about Ivy not sleeping, Ivy seems to be using the word 'cat' for anything fuzzy, this included her topless grandpa...

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