Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Through the Window

(This photo is capturing the goblets on the counter-top near the window in the bar and it is also getting a little bit of the playground on the beach.)

Late this afternoon, we put the pups in their crates and the two of us headed out to get a couple things at the super market, stop in the library (to check their "friends of the Library Store" for CDs, DVDs, and magazines), and an unplanned stop was at Schooner's -- a local bar and grill with a view of the pier.

At Schooner's, the outside upstairs patio was full, so we did something we almost never do, we sat inside at the bar and had this fabulous view of the huge wave action at the pier as we ate our cheeseburgers. We also rarely have cheeseburgers, but oh what the heck, it's summer time! Mr. Fun ordered his burger with onion rings and I ordered mine with fries. So when we made our exit we were feeling fat, sassy, and full.

It has been a good "first day" back in Cayucos. We were here for 13 nights in June and then we were gone to spend 3 nights at our place in SoCal and meet-up with our great-grandson Tristan and then headed for 6 nights of family camp. When we returned from Catalina Island and family camp to a heat wave (ugh!), all we wanted to do was get back to this Central Coast where it is much, much cooler. So we spent one night there and made our escape.

So waking-up here this morning was delicious. We haven't really accomplished anything today (except I did do most of my back-blipping from camp). What we did accomplish, was RELAX. And as far as I know, we earned an A+ in relaxing.

Good night from Cayucos
on California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. So if you want to see the Family Camp photos from Santa Catalina Island, just move backwards in my journal. We had such a good time with our little great-grandson Tristan. He is 7-years-old and has been to camp with us 5 times.

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