18 degrees!

Yes folks it was like the Med here in sunny Argyll today. I had a day tour with two South Africans and we had a whale of a time. Took them down one side of Kintyre & up the other. Stopped at castles, abbeys, beaches & wee villages en route. Had a picnic at the wonderfully named Grogsport and another later at Celit. Saw birds, deer, seals & all the other Argyll wildlife one would expect to see.
I love the look on their faces when you brew them up a cup of tea in a nice china cup followed up with local Argyll cheese, hot flaky smoked Uist salmon, some cherry tomatoes and nice French olives all beside fantastic views. Class.
Calumina once more delivered the goods & they went away happy bunnies
Above picy straight out the camera looking over to the island of Danna

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