Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Fu Manchu

Bit of a rubbish, late-night blip tonight.

Poor old Bertie went for his summer trim. He seems to be short all over with a Fu Manchu moustache. He's not happy about it.

Busy day shopping for Poppy's birthday, meeting D for a lovely lunch at a great french restaurant in Cambridge then cricket tonight.

It was a great match and very close at the end. Unfortunately Linton lost, despite putting up a heroic fight. My dad was verbally abused by a 12 year old from the opposing team but that's another story...

Alf had a great induction day at LVC. He has a nice group of friends in his tutor group and is in 'Nightingale' House (not Slitherin as he feared). He was let loose with his 'Squid' card to buy lunch and he raved about the food more than anything else. I hear the college have had to place an emergency food order to restock the canteen in time for tomorrow ;)

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