mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis

A walk I shouldn't have done..

Flippin' Tia followed my future SIL out of the gate this morning without him noticing.

My daughter, grandson and I were in the pool so didn't see. I suddenly thought that I hadn't seen her for a while and got out to call her. When she didn't come I knew what had happened and got dressed quickly to go looking for her. Luckily she wasn't too far away but I had to use a stick to get through the top of the bridleway - the nettles were so tall. I still got stung on my ankle - nasty things!

My ankle was a little stiff after so I went back in the pool and then lay in the sun for 40 minutes (20 minutes each side!!) to try to relax.
I had my grandson for the afternoon so my daughter and one of her bridesmaids could go do some wedding stuff and the little tinker totally wore me out! He usually goes down for a nap about 1.30 - 2 but he wasn't having any of it today! I was so tired from another restless night and eventually at 4, he showed signs of being ready and finally slept!
My daughter returned after an hour to find me fast asleep on the sofa! He woke up 30 minutes later so had a good, long nap.

At least I got a blip out of it! :-)

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