A wonderful day in Center Parcs!

That was another beautiful summer day today my friends ! What a day I had ! My head was a mess. I should meet Yang Yang in one place near Theford to go to Center Parcs (Suffolk) but I lost myself.
I saw the signal to Center Parcs and I decided to go there and call Yangang to say I was waiting there for her in the entrance. Guess what! My mobile had no reception so it was a mess. She tried to call me andI tried to call her but nobody could manage to receive messages or anything. I asked the man of the reception if I can call her from there. I told him what happened so he smiled to me and said yes. I called her but there was no anwer. I left a message but she didn't hear any message. The man saw me walking around very worried and offered me to call her again so after more than half and hour I could manage to speak with her.
I waited 10 minutes more and she arrived eventually . She was very worried about me too.
After this mess we parked the car and noticed that I forgot my swimming costume and my rucksack in the house. I couldn't believe it. Oh my God what a day I said to Yang yang and she laughed. haha!
We went to buy one costume, the cheapest one but it was good enough to go to swimming.
Later we went to the jacuzzy to relax a little bit and I lost the gogles of Yanyang . We enjoyed and relax eventually until we when out. We stoped in the beach near the lake to take some pictures and you know what? I had not any batteria haha. I only could manage to take this poor picture in the tropical pool. One with me and this whit her .
I put the bag with the fruit Yangyang brought with her and I put on the floor to take some pictures with the mobile of her. I lost the fruit somewhere too. I went to canoeing and my short trousers were very wet so when I finished my bum was cold and heavy with the sand and water . I could not walk properly. It was not confortable !
We went to relax eventually to the spa for almost 3 hours and we laughed a lot at least we had something to laught about haha! it was a nice day after all.
We enjoyed in all the saunas and water masages. It is great for the body.
I put my shorts in the dry sauna. Lucky me still the trousers were there safe affter few hours , not burning. I forgot about that as well.
Well I shouldn't tell you all of this stuff but I think maybe after all it was funy. Depends how you look at it. It can be sad or funny. That is like I am sometimes but better laughing than crying ! All this things doesn't happened when my husband go with me but today he was working. Whaty a pitty! He was a little jelous. He just which the holidays . He really needs it.
Hope you all enjoy my adventures in center parcs. Sorry about the picture. It is not the best but you can see a little of the tropical pool . Yangyang is posing for me Thanks Yangyang . I had not any inspirations abut taking pictures anyway.
Hope my head will be better tomorrow. Thanks for the kind comments and stars for Millie blip yesterday . She said thanks to you too.
Have a nice day everyone! I know you are smiling too. haha!!
I am very tired but happy. It was a funny day out and despite everything.

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