
By middaypyjamas


I took my car in to get serviced today. As always seems to be the case I was a few months overdue on this and so now seemed as a good as time as ever. Once that was done I walked home in a fairly brutal morning cold before settling in once more behind my desk.

In the afternoon it rained, I looked out the window bleakly, knowing that at some point I was going to have to walk through that rain to go pick up my car. Luckily for me however the rain didn't last long and by the time the phone call came for me to pick up Reverend Green (my car, and yes it's green) the sun was once more out. On the way across I took this shot of a long collection of cobblestoned alleyways. The rain had filled in all the crevices, as you can see, and it really caught my eye. Reverend Green was once more in tip top shape and nothing major had to be done. For a car his age he does surprisingly well.

In the evening I took my newly serviced car over to Hillside to visit Matt, Rose and Ella. Ella has grown a bit since I last saw her and is almost sitting up on her own. She's also cramming anything she comes across as far into her mouth as she can. At this point I should let all that don't know that Ella is a six month old baby. Ella, while a little cranky, did let me hold her for quite a while before becoming fussy, which is more than I can say for my brother Matthew. A great evening complete with burgers, beer, and judging the contestants on master chef.

- Damian

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