
By Fisherking


Today has been incredibly didn't start that way. When I woke at 5.50 the sky was overcast but by the time I had showered , had breakfast and was heading to work the sky was clear and the Sun was beating down.

Well, I say work...but in reality it was Trips Day and I was taking 10 selected pupils fishing. In the end only 8 turned up.......they got 30 minutes theory on how to assemble a pole, attach a line and bait up........followed by two hours fishing. They all caught..........and then it was lunch time.

After lunch Sam he usually does........a match........"All of you kids versus weight........just counting how many caught..........2 1/2 hours.......15 minutes preparation.........and then "All in"

I was never going to win............not against 8!!!! the end I caught 17.....the kids caught 29!

Kit away..........hands washed........parents collecting offspring..........and then a dash to the pub for a beer with the retiring Boss. Got there to find only the Leadership team in I represented the rest of the staff...........two beers......a firm handshake........a "thanks" and I was tears.............not everyone managed that.

So...the start of the holiday..........looking forward to the steroid injection weird is that?

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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