
Bought Audrey an inflatable Tigger as she reminds me of him. She never stops!!!

Picked her up from nursery tonight and could hear her sobbing as I walked up the steps. She'd had a (little) fall but was beside herself about it. Her face was hot and clammy and she seemed overcome by the heat. Poor thing doesn't like this weather, I remember it used to disagree with her as a baby. Another reason why we shouldn't take her abroad. If today was anything to go by she'd be a nightmare!

Had to put her in a cool shower when we got home which did seem to help her (she didn't like it though - howled like a wolf!) It was another one of those Mum knows best situations! The looks she gave me!

Had a good work day. The overcast weather helped. I find it notoriously hard to concentrate when it's sunny, making any excuse for a break! I popped into town and worked from a cafe in Spinngfields this afternoon, just to get out of Chorlton really. Manchester is only 15mins away and I crave a bit of city sometimes when I'm working from home - so it's nice to mix it up. I was reenergised by the change of scene and flew through my to-do list.

Popped quickly to see a friend of ours who is having a bad time. He started the year in the Priory and has been struggling to keep a handle on his alcohol problems since he discharged himself (early).

He claims he was hit by some flying debris that knocked him out cold in the street the other evening (we think he fell after drinking too much) and he is now lying on his sofa refusing to see any doctors, mainlining painkillers and not eating. I begged him to go to A&E tomorrow which he says he will. Have been really worried about him. On top of all this, he is clearly depressed. I hate seeing him this down and low and have been in touch with him a lot more lately trying to help him.

Angus is back tonight. Audrey has missed him so much (as have I). It will be interesting to see how she is with him when she sees him in the morning. Last time he was away, she was very clingy with me, ignoring him but I hope she gives him some cuddles this time!

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