Mono Monday...Pets

About 22 years ago (1992), we had a 5 year-old cocker spaniel named Mindy. She developed meningitis, and passed away.

At our age then (late forties), we thought our kids knew we didn't want any more dogs. Too close to retirement.

HA! Move ahead 5 years (1997.) Our daughter gives us a Christmas "present." A long-haired daschund. Holly Berry Belle.

Now, move ahead 8 years (2005). Our 2 daughters move out of our house. We pleaded with them not to get a dog, because neither had time to properly care for the animal. A month later, they get a dog. This chihauhau...named Niya Jean.

A month after they got her, they called to see if we could dog-sit.

She has been here ever since.

We lost Holly a few weeks ago. Niya is now nine.

Thanks to GingerNan for hosting Mono Monday.

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