A Deerlightful Day

What a scorcher today has been.

I suffered for my ride to the Traff yesterday and slept badly as my knee ached like mad all night. I went for a swim this morning and a jacuzzi which helped a bit. This afternoon I met up with Chrissie at Dunham Massey and we melted as we wandered about taking pics.

We watched dragonflies dancing over the water, we stalked a heron, took pics of coots and their babies, mingled with the deer and wilted. The only answer was to head into Lymm and sit out at the Terrace Cafe for lunch. As I parked up I noticed a car with a familiar reg....I couldn't believe it Hannah was in the village. I hadn't seen her for at least a year so I rang her and she came to the cafe to say hello. I love it when you meet up with someone you haven't seen for such a long time and you carry on as if it was only yesterday. What an absolutely lovely day.

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