Bakewell adventure

Wonderful day with Audrey. An adventure for the two of us up to Bakewell to meet some friends and their kids who are here from Belfast for a week. Felt very privileged to be included in their plans. They are the type of friends that you don't see for years and it's as though you saw them last week. Except for the fact that they have another child now!!!!

We talked life and kids, managing to keep our offspring seated and entertained round a shady pub garden table for almost two hours - result! It was so lovely and makes me sad we don't live closer.

Had given Audrey a lie-in so she was in a great mood! We had a nursery rhyme filled drive back over the gorgeous Peaks and ran straight to the garden to fill up the paddling pool. No naps for Audrey today but I know she can cope if she's slept in.

Tonight we've played football in the park and had our tea together. Me and my buddy. This will be a summer to remember and I am loving every minute I spend with her!

Angus is home tonight and tomorrow we are reunited as a family for a sunny day. What to do, what to do!!!!!

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