Nursemaid's Elbow

Dreamt that Angus had had an affair with an optician caller Natalie just before we were married. Woke up in a foul mood believing it was true. So random! Have you ever done that? Dreamt something and then even when you wake up you can't seem to shake the feeling? Was a ragbag to Angus as a result!

Was so excited about our day as a family but it has been a comedy of errors with my bad mood, Audrey being cranky and us not really able to decide what we wanted to do so in the end we didn't really do anything!

Finally made it out to the meadows for a picnic around 5pm (see pic). Angus was playing with Audrey and he accidentally pulled her arm a bit roughly, causing her a lot of pain. An hour later and we were sat in the Children's Emergency Department. Our first time here. I think we've done well not to be here until now!

It turns out she's got a pulled elbow or Nursemaid's Elbow as it is known. Poor love is in quite a bit of pain and very clingy. She keeps being seen by different doctors who each try and tweak it back into place with varying degrees of success. Hoping to get home soon!

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