
What an imaginative title!

Up and headed to the shoe shop. Buggy board was a resounding success, until I clipped it up whilst Charlotte walked and then couldn't get it back down. Ended up with Charlotte having to walk back up the steep hill (with me doing a few carries too!) disaster. bought two beautiful pairs of shoes. Love the shoe shop as they tend not to measure but do it by the way the shoe fits. She is only a 5 1/2 size so we got both pairs in the sale. (They had nothing left at sale prices from size 6 1/2 to 10! - I didn't know there was a sale on, I just wanted shoes)

Home, played, watched the women's triathlon, scared the builders next door as I was cheering so loudly.



A lovely friend and equally lovely daughter came over to play for a while, wonderful to watch the girls playing and being monkeys together. I got attacked by horse flys again and currently have two bites on one leg, one on my arm and an exceedingly cheeky one bit me just under my bra strap! Not amused, especially as cannot take anything for the itching!

Bedtime didn't go well tonight, not sure where it went wrong, but it did, but she was still asleep by 8pm so in the grand scheme of things it could have been a whole lot worse.

Swimming and painting planned for tomorrow.

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