
By LadyFindhorn

Steps and Stairs

It was dental check up day today. So frightened am I of my charming young lady dentist, who is an enthusiast of added tooth cleaning with these little bendy wire brushes which look big enough to me to do some real flue cleaning, that I spent much longer on cleaning my teeth than I usually do and forewent my breakfast as well in case she managed to salvage a microscopic bit of toast or worse, a choice piece of last Sunday's dinner, lurking in some dark crevice. My teeth are so very closely packed into my tiny mouth that were I to use her magic brushes, I could quite possibly appear in her surgery with the contents of the packet sticking out a right angles from my teeth. Today however it was 1-0 to me as she couldn't find any nasty morsel of food and she merely asked if I had been using the brushes. No I said as firmly as I could given that she had two hands inside my mouth, I've used the flossing tape, (twice to be exact in the last 6 months, last night and this morning, but I didn't say that!).
Well done she said, and with the handing over of a mere £10.00 for the pleasure and pain of having a tooth scaling with a very noisy drill, I was out of the place as fast as my legs could carry me. Sooo, I have another 6 months grace........ unless my bad dental hygiene costs me an emergency visit to the surgery.

Because his Lordship thought I portrayed him a trifle harshly in yesterday's blip and anxious to make a better impression on the blipping world, he took me out for lunch- a meal that would break my 30 hour dental fasting. Because of the Arctic conditions outside we had thought to have a nice hot meal to warm the cockles etc, but instead we both found ourselves with plates of cold salads. They were good and the garden centre was certainly warmer than the castle. Full marks all round.

Now I'm bracing myself for a freezing outing to pick up Lucy from School. The good news is that the habitual Thursday afternoon rain has yet to materialise. Good news then!

Today's blip is of the rather fancy railings in Ramsay Garden, an eclectic group of colourful houses at the top of castle Hill. The residents must be annoyed at the moment with the noisy work going on on the castle Esplanade.

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