Fallen Tree

As promised yesterday! My favourite 'Bird watching' tree!! There are fortunately lots of other trees around, but each and every tree lost is a tragedy on this planet earth! I luvvvvv them!!

This picture of the lovely yellow flowers,, as well as this beautiful hoopoe, and this Swainson's spurfowl, were captured in this dear old tree!! Eisch!!

You will note the greyish house in the very left of the picture, it is this one, almost completed now, I think they are busy with the final touches inside at this stage.

C took Lillian and myself for a 'tour' of the area this morning to see the damage done by yesterday's terrible storm!! Because we live in such a mountainous area, the water runs down to the dam quite fast, so, not much water to be seen this morning, but yikes, the plant life is quite damaged by the current of the water masses that flooded them yesterday!

Btw, it is pouring down again, just now!

Hope you'll all have a fabulous weekend!

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