wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Never ending story

This is Illinois on the way to Chicago on the way home. Those are clouds not mountains.
Pull up a chair, you may want to get a drink/ or maybe a nosh. Trust me.
I have just returned from The Sister Singers Network Festival 2014
We had many adventures while we were there. We pinky sweared that what happened in Urbana stays in Urbana but I can talk about some things. Wifi was limited to the ground floor of all buildings. That wasn't irritating. (I am lying ) so I had to blip when I got home.
Every day was jammed packed with workshops, rehearsals, and concerts. Oh and meals. We did not miss a meal. It was important to keep up our stamina.
Each day my fitbit logged well over 1100o steps.
Except for Friday, it ran out of gas......I swear I walked a lot while it was not on my wrist. Ingrid will swear to that that's called blackmail .
Saturday we witnessed a torrential rainstorm. The street around and the basement of the building we were in flooded. We even heard that a tornado was possible. The Midwest can be scary.
As we were leaving the Krannert at about 1200 in the morning we heard a loud siren like thing. Ingrid yelled tornado and we ran like crazy back to the dorm. My friend Sue B. Said it was not a tornado warning but the closing of the Krannert. We also were extremely stupid as that building is a tornado shelter and our dorm was 11 stories with lots of windows.
Since I have a history of being locked into places.......... It was a wicked fun night I wrote a little on yesterday's blip.
When we got back there were broken umbrellas in the lobby. For some reason it made me hysterical. That was going to be my blip but I had to do the other one. I also tried to get everyone to sing Christmas carols. (So I was told) contrary to popular belief, one to two drinks for the full night are my limit. Four were involved that evening.
Sunday morning...that was fun. Peanut butter and toast for my breakfast. While I was sitting there feeling my eyebrows grow it occurred to me. This was an amazing experience. Amazing.
Sunday was also the day Ingrid and I were scheduled to leave Champaign Urbana Illinois. Ingrid is my bandmate and bestie and we often get into trouble have adventures ( along with Shelly and Julie my other girl bandmates)
This time it was just Ingrid and myself. Our flight was scheduled to leave the airport at 620 pm (18:00). So we decided to go get a real coffee and take a walk. The streets were empty that day......except for some uneven places. That would be what I tripped on. I went flying and landed wicked hard. Seriously what do you check first? Glasses, then in this order. Camera, iPad, and then phone. All were safe. I was a mess. I was wearing jeans thank God. My knees are still a mess. I also landed hard on my palms and elbows. It was an elegant fall.
Tons of ice and ibuprofen later it still hurt. We decided that we should get to the airport and it seemed we would not get into trouble there. I kept thinking if I broke it just let me get home.
The TSA agent had to take everything out of my backpack and lay it not the dirty belt thingy. Really my toothbrush? Yes my toothbrush. No sir that's ok keep it. My key chain in the bottom of a front pocket looked suspicious to him. All my underwear and bras were in there. ( I am not losing those). We may be engaged now. Our flight was changed in Chicago 2 hours late and we had to divert around Boston as the weather sucked. Anyway we arrived home at 430am.
A trip to the doctor today showed it's not broken but a bad sprain. I am skunned up everywhere.
But still pretty.
More on tomorrow's blip( today's now)

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