It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

A Magical Morning......


I set out to give you another glorious Sunrise again. So armed with the tripod I went back to my morning spot to find in the day yesterday they had harvested the wheat!

Oh well I knew it was coming. Still the lines on the field were still lovely as they hadn't baled it yet.

Took a few and just stood there smug in the knowledge my blip was in the bag and enjoying the peace and quiet in the cool morning air ....when from the corner of my eye I saw this very handsome chap!
He was magnificent. I just thought he'd make a dash once he saw me as I was to be easily seen in a lime green jacket standing out in the open with the camera on tripod....but no...he just kept checking on me as he heard the camera clicking away!
However I wasn't set up for Stags! I was on all the wrong settings I fumbled round trying to correct things and just kept shooting.

My action shots are hopeless I have to say and I was on full tilt at 300mm and I'm not keen on this lens at that distance. But I got 3 ok-ish shots out of 49! Thats bad isn't it!

Heres the othe shot of Prongs

He then bounced off into the woods and I hope safe and not going near that crazy road of mad stupid drivers.

Anyway I consider myself very privileged to see him. Ill call him Prongs!

Here is the Sunrise shot.

Same field ....different tree

Draco The Very Lucky Stag Spying Dragon xx

Ps Thanks for getting This to No 3 in the Spotlight yesterday ;-))

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