Now where did I park the car...?


The first night sleep in a tent is always rubbish. Toomany bodies in a nylon room, all farting, snoring, fidgeting, the second night everyone is so tired they go out like a light !

Poor No 1 isn't well. Her Tonsillitis is back. We left the rest of the weegies in the pool and No 1 and I spent 3.5 hours in the drop-in clinic at Alnwick Hospital. I wouldn't mind, but the waiting room only had 3 people in it !

Finally got to see a doctor (who was about 120 years old - complete with a bow tie!) who prescribed strong antibiotics for No 1, so strong, as he put it, "if you're lucky you won't get Thrush too!".

I didn't have the heart to tell No 1 what Thrush was. Reckoned she had enough to look forward to.

Reunited with the rest of the Weegies, we hit the beautiful beach nestleing under Bamburgh Castle for an evening beach walk. It goes on for miles!

On the way back to the car, No 3 found a new number plate for me.

Now where did I leave my cheque book....?

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