
By LadyFindhorn

It Ain't Half 'Cold' Mum

It was a bitterly cold and crisp day, but the sky was a deep blue and cloudless. Because the usual Saturday CTC run seemed rather unappealing in case of fingers and toes getting frost bite, we took the bus instead to Cramond with the idea of walking along the River Almond.
Travelling by bus is one of our newer hobbies given that we can travel for nothing. I'm sorry, I know that must be an anathema to younger folk who have to pay for the privilege, but if it's there for us terminally old people, then why would we turn down the offer?
It is certainly entertaining sitting up on top in the front seats. Nothing misses your eyes. Untidy gardens, cluttered conservatories, strange pedestrians - nothing is too small to notice.
It's a long way from our castle to Cramond, but the interest never flags when there is fascinating scenery passing by and you sit in comfort and warmth.
We popped into Cramond Inn for a hot drink and the inevitable toilet stop ( the cold weather plays havoc with bladders) before starting our walk and 'blipfest'.
I have lots of photos of river shadows and reflections, seagulls and an elusive moorhen. In the past I would have been really pleased with the birds, but I knew that if david77 were to look he would criticise them for lack of detail on the bits in full sunlight.
So my blip for today is a hastily snapped one of the reflections in the bus window of the opposite side of the road as we stopped in Queensferry Street.

Last night's all ladies' meeting about the arrangements for the Semaine Federale was most constructive, and I've signed up his Lordship and me for the event. Hopefully we will manage to persuade the European Bike Bus to come north to Edinburgh and pick everyone up before trundling us and our bikes all the way to Verdun. Any other travelling method will be much more complicated.

His Lordship has kindly offered to make the dinner tonight. He is so outstripping himself with kindness these days that I am about to hyperventilate.

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