This day

By snapper


A long lie which I needed as my cold kept me awake most of last night.
No appetite which is not a bad thing realy
Took doggies a walk, had to watch Sam as he is such a scrapper and fights with his shadow and of course Freda is in heat so all the male dogs were making abeeline for her and Sam was going nuts! Abbie couldnt care less about anything, she just runs about mad.

Still havnt seen any of the beavers they have released but I suppose any beaver worth his salt will hear 3 dogs coming from away off. They say the best time to see them is either early morning or late evening, in my case then that will have to be late evening.

The visitors are fine they went off and did their own thing, they are just back , due to my rotten cold, dinner is going to be the easy option of macaronie and cheese made by youngest fledgling.

Bed early for me I think

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