Musical cousin

Early start today and down the road to Glasgow as I had to meet a work collegue for 10am. Made it to the Concert hall and was right beside some fiddling workshop! God how I hate fiddles in the hands of eejits! If I had to suffer Over the Sea to Bloody Skye one more time I would have strangled them!

Anyhwos meeting over I wandered down Buchanan st, hubbies neice on her first ever trip to Glagsow when her mother phoned her mobile and asked her where she was proudly anounced "Im on Buchen Anne st" she still hasnt lived it down! Finally found myself at Maplins and took the plunge and bought #2 daughter one of these android tablet things (£400 quid cheaper than the ipad)

Then met my two pals who wanted to book a holiday at Thomas Cook, now I know why the add says "dont just book it, Thomas Cook it" because they stood in a que for about an hour to speak to some wuman agent, cook it" aye in the time it took them I had read almost every magazine in WH Smiths next door! Anyway we then toddled off to Peters on Hyndland St for food which I have to say was very good.
Then it was off with #2 daughter to the Oran Mor to see the Angus Nicholson Trio (Angus is our cousin) and has his own band and was the supprt for some other guy. Have to say they wee stonkingly good.
Back to drop off #2 daughter then 2hour drive home.

Hubby playing with the android toy, have to say its very good and if she likes it, I will have saved myself a packet by not having to buy the apple thingy one
Angus is the piper by the way

Have a good restful remaining Sunday all blippers

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