Tea party up the junction.

We went to Porthcawl this morning as yet again , J wanted to go to the hobby shop. I took a walk around the village of Newton, which has a pretty little village green, and a beautiful church. There was going to be a wedding there later this afternoon. When he had finished his shopping we decided to take a trip to Cefn Cribwr , where there is a signal box that has been restored. It is only open in August, on a Saturday and Sunday. We parked the car ,and walked the 500 yards to the junction. When we got there ,we had a nice surprise. The ladies were setting up home made cakes, and scones. We had a look around the downstairs of the signal box, which had a small museum, and then went upstairs ,where local artists were displaying their crafts. There were some beautiful paintings. When we went back outside ,we just had to sample the delicious cakes on offer, served with tea, or coffee. I had a huge piece of chocolate cake, and J had a scone with homemade jam, fresh cream and a strawberry on the top. He did give me a piece of his scone to taste as it looked amazing. It was so nice to sit in such a beautiful place sampling home made goodies with such friendly people. We have met some of them before, when we meet at the Parc Slip memorial on 26th August. What a lovely afternoon it was.

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