I can sing a rainbow....

Red and Yellow and Pink and Green,
Purple and Orange and Blue
I can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow too

I can't believe today is my 900th blip! Not a spcial one I know, and I've not taken any particularly good photos today, so you get this.

As it's Friday, a few of us from work went for a drink at lunch time - the sun was shining and it was really busy, but we managed to get a table outside where we found this little cup on the table full of smarties. Deanne and I didn't fancy eating them as we didn't know whose fingers had been in it previously, but Petra and Maxine ended up eating them all! It was only when I was looking at the photo tonight that I realised that all the colours of the rainbow are there. Then Alan pointed out that tomorrow it's Brighton Pride and all the rainbow flags are flying, so the smarties are probably in aid of that.

Tonight we had another trip to the vets with Milou and Bobbie for their final vaccines and to pick up their passports. The poor boys were sick in the car going and on the way back, so they ended up in the bath. It's the first time we've bathed them and they didn't like it - they're fine now, but I think they've had a bit of a traumatic night. I was hoping we could take them out this weekend, but the vet said we should wait another 7 days.

Tomorrow I'm going to London to meet my girls for the day, and we're going to take Scarlett to the zoo. I can't wait to see them!

Hope you all have a good weekend x

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