Trot back in time....

I saw the Harvey's horse drawn dray again today which I blipped it back in March. I love to see it, so I followed it in the hope of being able to blip it again and fortunately it pulled up at a pub in Kemp Town. I managed to get a few photos and when I got home I turned some of them into sepia to give it an 'old' feel, but like the effect of this one.

The exciting news today is that our offer on the house has been accepted and solicitors have been instructed, so fingers crossed everything goes ahead smoothly. It's very exciting because we've lived in rented accommodation for the last 7 years - 6 years in Belgium and a year here, so it'll be great to live in our own home again.

Anyway, as I'm writing this Milou and Bobbie are being very good playing on the rug. They're so full of energy, but thankfully they're going to the vets tomorrow for their final vaccine and then we can start taking them out for walks. We'll also get them booked in to puppy class - they still need watching as if we're not quick and watch for the signs, they'll have an accident, but they're doing very well.

They've now disappeared into the kitchen, so I'd better go and see what they're up to!

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