
By AlrightFlower

Fancy a natter?

Very excited today about having a day off work and, not wanting to risk being sucked in by "just checking my emails, just the once", I thought I'd make the most of the day and tootle off over the Pennines to Manchester. There was a bit of rain forecast around lunchtime, but I'm a brave girl.

Traffic was quite heavy on the way over, and it got gloomier the further I went: sunshine... a bit of cloud... overcast but bright... dark grey skies... a bit of drizzle... absolutely bloody tipping it down!!

Despite only having a mini umbrella and no coat, I parked at the Trafford Centre and got the bus into town (did I mention the braveness?). Got off at Piccadilly Gardens in a bit of drizzle and wandered down towards the Arndale Centre. By the time I got there, it was raining so hard that my jeans were soaked from the knee down and the water was running down my left arm :-(

At that point I thought sod this, went back for the bus and the meteorological safety of the Trafford Centre. Bought some lovely little bits in John Lewis, including some pretty ribbon for 25p (yeah, cos I'm soooo short of ribbon...) and I found this little couple tucked away under a staircase.

Also, after months of looking for a new purse, I finally found one in Debenhams with enough room for my cards, no need to fold my notes and a coin section that's meant for adult fingers not a tiny child's. Queued for ages at the till, only to be told that "the till says I can't sell it to you, it's old stock and should've been sent back". But, I spluttered, it's right here in my hand and it's the only one I like. She still wouldn't sell it to me. How stupid is that, losing a sale because you're not allowed to sell me your stock??

Busy drive home (I'm not fond of the M60 at the best of times) and, at one point coming over the tops, the rain was so hard I honestly couldn't see. But once I got back into God's Own County it soon brightened up and the sun was just peeking through the clouds when I pulled into the driveway.

The moral of my little tale? ON YORKSHIRE DAY, STAY IN YORKSHIRE!!!


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