Rockin on top of the world

Oh, here we are and here we are and here we go
All aboard and we're hittin' the road
Here we go, rockin' all over the world

OMG - what a day!! The sun shone, it was warm, the breeze was cooling and we escaped the madness that was Bank Holiday Regatta in Ahakista and headed off to the the north side of the Mizen for a blipmeet. Ju4Bluz was in charge, along with her chap, and this was her home turf. Bat , TJ and Himself were also in attendance. Once we all found the rendezvous spot (!!! you know who you are) we abandoned cars and set off round a headland. Absolutely fantastic! The views were sublime, the sea turquoise, plants rampant and colours extraordinary. Plus there was an incredibly impressive sea arch!! Look how brave we were for yes, this is myself and Himself teetering foolishly bravely on the edge. Thank you to TJ for taking the blip with my camera. Something similar may crop up elsewhere I suspect for we all got very excited at this point (and yes Himself has also gone for this shot!) . Another sea arch and then we piled into cars and travelled along the coast with gob smacking views in every direction - really an end of the world feel to it all. We parked and walked off across the fields, gorse, brambles and horseflies attacking our legs, and then collapsed on the cliff edge for our picnic, watching the gannets. Ju4bluz had even laid on a ruin! A rather imposing and sturdy house, now roofless but all on its own amidst all this seriously impressive nature.
What a great day. We and TJ ,stopped off for ice cream in Goleen, eaten at Heron Cove where we found yet another ruin to explore.

Back home and the Regatta was still in full swing. Hundreds of people! I went off for a swim but there were so many jellyfish I nearly didn't. I managed to find a little gap but it wasn't exactly relaxing. A shame as the water was heavenly.

Rockin on top of the world - okay I've changed the words slightly

And yesterday's image - well done to alfthomas - it was light streaming through a prism on a windowsill in the studio, bouncing off a radiator in the sitting room!

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