Because this is who I am

By Brighde


In case any of you were wondering I've now officially hit a depression.

In which I look down in sadness as the colour from me drains. Woo.

The kind where you forget what it's like to smile and to feel like everything's fine. The kind where you're in denial and you can't believe how stupid this is. I wish I had just pulled myself together and not said anything. I wish I wasn't so moody with you and just answered the phone instead of being upset over nothing. I wish I'd know, it could avoided all of this.

Currently, I'm empty.

I don't know if you'll read this, but if you are, reach out to me. I know what I did wrong. I know what to say, I know. Speak to me.

Guys, I'm probably gonna take a rain check for the next couple of days because I can't even type about it without wanting to cry for a 100 years. I hope you're all well.

Happy Blipping.

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