The best laid plans...

...of mice and men!

Well it's the big day tomorrow, but sadly my big adventure is not going to happen. Having been incorrectly told on Saturday that all was in order, a phone conversation yesterday has meant that my plans have unfortunately had to be put on hold. There's a slim chance that it may take place on Saturday, if not, then it will take place some time later in the month....

But the birthday celebrations started yesterday, with drinks with a friend, then another riverside pub and another friend today. Tomorrow will just be a quiet day of family celebrations, then hopefully things should kick off at the weekend with an evening open air theatre performance and Prosecco picnic, followed by a Prosecco breakfast to watch the hot air balloons take off at dawn at Bristol Balloon Fiesta. All that is providing that the weather man has got the forecast for the weekend completely wrong, and that it actually turns out to be a beautiful, dry weekend! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Thank you so much to all of you for your comments on my blip for yesterday. My Father was very pleased to hear that you thought he looked smart, and young! Yesterday certainly was a poignant day, and I thought the service at Westminster Abbey was very moving....

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