Half a century, and still not out!

As a cheeky (and much younger!) friend of mine pointed out, only 50 more years and I'll get a letter from the Queen!

My big adventure has now been provisionally booked for Saturday morning, but things really now are in the lap of the gods. This one really is dependant on fine weather. Watch this space....

So a day of quiet celebrations with family, and a trip to the lovely cathedral 'city' of Wells in Somerset, where after a mooch around the cathedral and the market, we went for a delicious lunch in my favourite restaurant, The Old Spot. We were lucky enough to get the best table in the restaurant, with a view across the cathedral green to the beautiful medieval cathedral of Wells.

This afternoon the sun came out, and there was chocolate cake and Champagne in the garden! This evening? More fizz I think!! :)

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