News Flash

Pigeons like peanuts. They just don't like to shell them.

After a day of really intense activity, we've solved the plumbing problems of yesterday, partially. Fortunately, it's the part that will allow me to get ready for work in the morning without the use of buckets and the hose. It'll be another day or two before we can do laundry. The details are not amusing, but it took a couple hours to clean just the bathroom.

Mouse Update:
Okay, his name is Sidney. I spotted him yesterday only once. Lizzie didn't see him at all. There was a lot of noise here today with drain cleaning machines, etc., so I imagine he's hunkered down as far under something as he can get. I left the door open for him most of the day so he could escape if he wanted to since the bookcase he's hiding under is right next to the door. Optimistic I know, but I'm hoping he's smarter than the average rodent.

I ended the day by apparently deleting my entire media library with the click of one button. I don't have TV at all and now I don't have any DVDs. The actual DVDs are in storage somewhere since they were copied into the system. Not that I need them because I've watched most of them multiple times and they're getting way too familiar, at least that appears to be the case when I know what the next line of dialog is in a movie before the actor speaks. I'm going to take it as a sign from the universe that I don't need them and I need to concentrate on something else, like writing, which I want to do, or painting, ditto, or learning more about photography, double ditto.

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