Legs for miles

4years 289days

Where did the grown up, long legged beauty come from?! She's had a quite major growth spurt and it all seems to have happened in her legs. They've stretched for yards!

Nursery this morning. She had chosen a book to take. Lesley said that she really proudly read it her friends. Katie told me that she had wanted to and that they liked her reading the book. She also told me excitedly it was jelly and ice cream day!

We came home at lunch time- she had eaten hers, yet still are for the entire afternoon. She made herself a gigantic bowl of fruit, had three yogurts, then an orange and needed her tea early! We saw a friend for a while to deliver some food and she skipped back enjoying the brief sunshine. I finished a school skirt for her, which she let me photograph her trying.

A very quiet but happy day.

(It's all phone photos at the moment, sorry, as she's broken my power cabal for the mac so I can't upload my pictures!)

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