Home, love, security....

Loved this picture from this morning. Angus got in late and was sleeping his shift off so Audrey and I ventured out onto the rain-lashed streets of Chorlton to amuse ourselves. Highlights included some big puddles and a stick and this over-turned wheelie bin. It's a glamorous life, what can I say!?!

Kids are amazing aren't they. I was on the brink of despair with her yesterday and it's like she knew I needed a break. Today she was in a gorgeous mood. I spoke to my Mum last night about how she'd been yesterday and one of our theories was that being moved upstairs into a new class at nursery had upset her more than we realised. And that yesterday was a manifestation of her anger and frustration.

She certainly seemed content today. As well as splashing in puddles, we had tea parties with teddies, built dens with blankets and chairs in the lounge and sang lots of nursery rhymes. We ate all her meals together with her and she was delighted to have us both which was evident in her the singsong way she just repeated the words "Mummeeee Dadeeeee Mummmeee Dadeeee" all day. Home, love, security - it's all they want isn't it?

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