madwill's world

By madwill

Rung Shadows

Spent all morning valeting Mrs madwill's car - it was really dirty. It even had algae growing in the crevices. Looks like new now though - just in time for all the rain tomorrow! Also had to swap one of the tyres for the spare as it had worn down quite badly - bordering illegal. So a new one was ordered for next Tuesday.

Dog walk this afternoon took us up alongside the A1(M) where I took this. It is the rungs of the access ladder on the concrete base of one of those big information signs that hang out from the side of the carriageway. I have looked at the rungs before and thought the shadows looked interesting, but today I arrived just as the shadows lined up with the next rung down to create these parallelogram shapes.

Just after this an Avro Vulcan flew overhead - but with only my small camera with me I couldn't zoom in enough. Looks like it was on the way to a display in Blackpool. We used to live near RAF Waddington in Lincoln and saw (and heard) these mighty beasts on a regular basis.

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