In the Oats

The whole family went feeding out this morning - as they say many hands make light work, but in this case two young fit lads also make light work.

There were a few more calves born over night, and this is where the lads come in handy, running after the calves, and putting them in the trailer. The next job is to get the mothers to follow. This morning wasn't too bad, but some days it's a circus! Cows can be so dumb when they want too!

We fed the cows that are still too calve, and shifted their electric fence. These are the 2 year old heifers, eating their morning breakfast of oats.

We separated the calves from their mums this morning. We are getting too many of them now, and it makes it so hard bringing them all into the cowshed to milk. And of course the cows won't come in without their calves. So it was time to take the calves off the cows. :(

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