Your Choice

In less than 40 days the people of Scotland will get the chance to seize the opportunity of a lifetime and vote Yes to independence.

Scottish independence means we will always get the government we vote for, we will see an end to WMDs being dumped in our country, we will save our NHS from the market driven privatisation that is happening to it in England and Wales.

Independence is the end of rule from a distant Westminster, the end of a political union that has run its course. What it doesn't mean is the end of the social union and shared history that unites the people who live across the British Isles. Our shared interests and friendship will remain and I believe be strengthened by independence for Scotland.

On September 18th the people of Scotland will be truly sovereign for one day. We can either choose to give that sovereignty back to Westminster or we can vote to keep it so that in future the people who make the decisions about Scotland are the people who live and work here.

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