Thinking of changing my name.. "Loch 16"!!..

Lovely day yesterday, until about 4 when it started raining. Overnight, it must have been quite heavy, and strong winds too judging by the way the plants are blown about. Read the rain gauges, I have two, they're the plastic cone type and have readings up to 50 mm. One was just above the 50mm mark, about 52 mm, and the other was full to overflowing, around 56 mm.

Useful fact No 1: Each mm of rain is 1 litre of water per metre square. So that's 56 litres (or 11.7 gallons) per square metre. And most of it has drained to the bottom of the croft..

All the brassicas are standing in water, and the salads are very windswept. They should recover.. A's shed is an island..


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