From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A better day...

It was another busy one but not as bad as yesterday. At the rate I'm going I should be on top of things again by Thursday afternoon.

I'll go to the office tomorrow for a break!

I phoned the EE shop today as I'd ordered an IPhone 5s about a month ago and no one had gotten in touch. It's still not in. I'm tempted to have the 5c instead as the 32GB is in stock in the 5c. Also, it would only cost me a tenner to upgrade. Hmmmmm.

I'll wander out at lunchtime and have a look.

In other news, I saw Eric today perched on the back of a garden chair when I was washing up my lunchtime dishes. Apart from that, all I saw was yesterday's squirrel and this blue tit. Where have all the starlings gone?

Go large...

That's it. I'm in 'can't be arsed' mode today.

Track? Here's some Deep Purple to blow the cobwebs away - Burn!

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