From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

' was all I hoped it would be..'

First day back after a fortnight off was OK. McDonalds was still standing so I called in for my tea as usual after a sleepless night which I suppose you'd expect really. I trudged up to the council house which was also still there with the side door already open yawning at me so in I went.

Everything was just the same as before. Edinburgh pictures were still on the wall at the side of my coat hook and John Rocha coat hanger. Oh well. I wasn't in the happy state of mind I'd been in the last time I'd sat at that desk but never mind. Things could be worse, couldn't they?

It was an OK day anyway. There were only 127 emails which only took me until lunchtime and after sorting out financial admin stuff, I got stuck into my favourite subject - Oracle System Administration work as Shauqat is off all week and I'm covering. I'll be glad when it is passed over to me full time. Happy days ahead....

After work, I just went home with my fat balls and suet cake for the birds as it was raining.

Bleah! I fed the birds who have given up on me too and managed to soak myself with the garden hose filling the bird bath but I accidentally on purpose drowned a couple of next door's monsters playing football in the garden by flicking the hose too high. The screeches told me I was successful,


Sorry the picture is possibly the most boring I have ever taken as an afterthought on the way back from lunch (McDonalds Chicken McNuggets and fries) with Nuzhat. It was starting to rain and she told me to hurry up!

Track? From where my title comes, let's have the Mommas and the Poppas - Monday, Monday..

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