
For once the weather forecast was entirely accurate. The rain was p*ssing down for the entire day. So we set off northwards for an hour or so to visit a museum, which had the considerable benefit of having a roof. Kilmartin Glen has been inhabited by humans for at least 6000 years, who left various artefacts around including lots of carved designs on rock surfaces, plus cairns and standing stones. The little museum in Kilmartin is excellent - beautifully designed and laid out. There were also some interesting medieval carved grave slabs in the adjoining kirkyard, but as we were looking at them Dave noticed a midge on my face (which had indeed bitten me, it turns out) so we retreated to the car to apply more repellents. Wretched things, they are completely unfazed by heavy rainfall. Still, they've undoubtedly been bothering the inhabitants of the glen for at least 6000 years.

After that we went to the area in Knapdale where they've been running the beaver project. We put on protective clothing, against the midges rather than the beavers, and trudged through the forest to where the latter have been settling in. We didn't see any, of course - but we did see where they live. The photo shows their dam, as far as I can tell. I do hope they're allowed to stay.

Then we made a short foray to Crinan, at the west end of the canal of the same name, before heading back down to Campbeltown. The rain was still coming down like stair rods - the road surface was awash in several places. It was a relief to get back to a decent meal, a beer and a dram followed by another lengthy sleep.

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