It's getting to look alot

like a kitchen.

Yaaay, we look like a kitchen. The drawers close themselves how modern is that. My teenage daughter has even offered to wash the dishes! what is that about? lol look at my lovely new hob! Anyone would think you could cook on it. Anyone probably could cook on it but today everyone is like me and no one can cook on this hob - cos its not connected! he he. Oh well maybe tomorrow or friday, who cares I'm in no great rush. We do have working sink and big long bath, so things could be worse.

My tooth - your daily update as I know you are all waiting with baited breath, I'll spare you the gory details but I've been back to the dentist and a new dressing put in, nasties taken out I think and have now been given antibiotics with which I must not drink. Not that I feel like a drink.

And another positive thought today I have lost a stone. If I went to my slimming club I would get a big clap and a certificate but as I don't I'll have my own virtual slimming club or imaginary one. We will all sit and my leader will say "And Mrs C, Where is Mrs C"? and I will put my hand up and my leader will say "Mrs C, well done Mrs C, Mrs C has lost a stone" and a clap from my class will follow. My leader will not add it has taken exactly 12months!! But I don't mind I'm pleased.

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