What a difference

A day makes.

This is my kitchen today. It looks like a kitchen sort of. I'm quite confident it will resemble a kitchen soon.

The highlight of my new kitchen will arrive tomorrow apparently, the cooker!! whooppee bloody dooo! lol! I'm secretly excited. I don't know why, never been able to cook before on any oven so why this one is the miracle cure I don't know.

My tooth - still goes on. another trip to the dentist tomorrow.

It's a year today since I woke up for the first time without my dearest mam. The glorious 12th for a glorious lady. But its been an ok day, I've survived another milestone. I'll survive a few more now I sometimes think the anticipation is worse than the day itself, I've had a few like that.

So with that in mind and my new cooker coming tomorrow I wonder what a difference a day will make tomorrow.

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