2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Results day

Two years ago I had permission to blip Adam when he did so well in his GCSE exams.

Since then he has continued to work extremely hard and today he got the rewards for the effort.

At his request I have not shouted from the roof tops, rung every church bell in Lancashire, or ordered brass bands and fireworks.......

Tonight, however, he's on the back page of the local newspaper. It appears his college have done the shouting for me!

I am seriously jealous! In all my years in sport I have NEVER made the back page!

There is much talk every year that exams have got easier. I took one of Adam's A level subjects myself and I thought it was tough 30+ years ago. It's a lot tougher now I assure you.

What has improved, however, is the teaching in how to study. I didn't study anything like as well as Adam does.

To those who got the grades they want today, well done; many congratulations.

To those who didn't, don't panic. I didn't get the grades I needed but I got to the university of my choice doing the degree I wanted to do.

Something will work out, and I firmly believe you will be a stronger person from today's experience.

Good luck to all who got their results today, and to all those who support them.

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